We are big diggers of the Petty around here. He is endlessly quirky, especially in the face, and therefore we are kindred spirits.

And there is a rooftop Tom Petty concert going on tonight in Provo where a bunch of cool bands are going to play his most badass songs. The Neon Trees included, which is apparently a big deal.
I have never been to a concert on a rooftop, which is apparently a big deal.
Eli and I are probably going to cram down some BLTs, go see our nephew for his 7th birthday (I remember when he was BORN! Man we're getting old), and then jet down to Provo for the show. And maybe the kids can even come along, because you know, with an aunt and uncle like us, they are down with the Tom Petty as well.
And thankfully they haven't asked who Mary Jane is yet.
A very very nice girl that Tom had a last dance with, following their breakup--that's who!
The downpour we had yesterday was oh-so-nice and much needed. Last night we went out on the patio and the clouds were all pink and foofie, looking like they were blossoming out of the foothills, and there was that humidity in the air that reminds me of being in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I cannot even to begin to describe how FRESH it smelled. We were gulping down the air (I especially needed some sweet clean air in my lungs, after all the laughing gas they pumped into me at the dentist).
It was so strange for Utah--one full day of rain! And now it is gone again, leaving just a trace of that humidity behind. Today is all sun and bleached clouds again. Perfect for an outdoor evening concert.
Miss Victoria in England, my best friend in the world (get it? ha.) got her university results yesterday and they were not what she had hoped. She was 1% away from the marks she wanted. ONE DAMN PERCENT. Which is so frustrating and agonizing when you've given years of your life, dedicated yourself to something so intense. It reminded me of being in school and that particular knot you get in your gut when you received your grades. And the sting of knowing you deserved better, but...c'est la vie. You know what you know, even if you aren't getting the recognition for it. We all know those people who got a good grade they didn't deserve, but take solace in the fact that they didn't take anything away from it--you know, the ones that cram for a test and then let all of that information leak out of their brain as soon as the bell rings. Useless.
Congrats Vicky! And if I were to give you a grade, it would be BSFHNE (Best-Smart-Fellow-History-Nerd-Ever) because you know your stuff so well we can drop references like nobody's business and communicate with a look. And that beats a university mark any day.
And look at all of the funnies I found ! Happy Friday !!
And, last but not least,
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