Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Politics, blahblahblah, and SANTORUM INSULTING JFK?!

Predicting a hell of a close finish in Michigan for Santorum and Romney...who will win ??


Dude, don't even go there. Ranger Rick (a Catholic himself) recently criticized Kennedy's well-known 1960 speech regarding religion (the whole "I am a Catholic, I am not an agent of the Pope, deal with it" talk), saying it made him want to throw up because of the division between church and state Kennedy advocated.
This is horrifying. I never thought I'd find myself palling up with Newt Gingrich (also, interestingly, a Catholic), but I am relieved that he stood up for Jack's eloquent and necessary speech, calling it "remarkable" and then giving an explanation of the significance of the speech (because we all know Santorum needs the Cliffnotes version).

As Santorum said,
“The idea that the church can have no influence or no involvement in the operation of the state is absolutely antithetical to the objectives and vision of our country."   
Hm.... and people are concerned about the influence of a Mormon running the country?
The transcript of Jack's speech, the subject of this fresh debate, can be found here. Read it, make up your own mind. Personally I love it, I actually included a few paragraphs on it in my history thesis and how it completely changed his campaign and helped voters who were reluctant to vote in a Catholic better understand him, and change their perceptions of him. Either way it was a historic speech and I think Santorum is criticizing it as a vehicle for uber-conservatives to agree with him ("he is so right! I forgot what a liberal pig Kennedy was! Wanting to keep the church and state separate. What hogwash! Let's go out and vote for Rick right now! Fellow knows what he's talking about...Damn Democrats...").

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Romney is really sinking his claws into Santorum. Today he called Santorum an "economic lightweight" that is lacking in skills. I agree, though what skills he is referring to I would like to know.
Romney is also disgusted with Santorum's new technique to garner votes--a robotic calling system to get him more voters (he just started using this yesterday and specifically for Michigan). In these calls Santorum blasts Romney for opposing the 2008 auto-bailout.
Ironically enough, Santorum himself also opposed the auto-bailout. 
But it seems he neglected to mention that in his recorded friendly-neighbor-vote-for-me message.

Oh politics.....

Do you ever get the feeling that the only reason we have elections is to find out if the polls were right?

-Robert Orben

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